Type 1.5 Glycotoxic

The glycotoxic type 1.5 is a called sub type 1.5 because it is a combination of the inflammatory and the trophic sub types.  It is the result of insulin resistance which, unfortunately, is a very common occurrence.  This type occurs in patients with type-2 diabetes.  The brain loses the nourishing support of insulin, experiences the inflammatory effects of high blood sugar levels and the breakdown  of neurons is triggered. 

“Bad carbs” are simple carbohydrates, found in breads, sweets, pasta and foods high in starch, such as cereal and white potatoes (french fries).  Simple carbohydrates are an example of “bad carbs.” 

Eating simple carbohydrates increases the insulin in the blood stream and that includes the brain. Over time, the cells become resistant to the insulin and the blood sugar rises.  It is then stored as fat, especially as belly fat.  You then feel tired and hungry and are stimulated to eat more of the simple carbohydrates. 

Below is a diagram of what happens in the body with the excess consumption of simple carbohydrates, “Bad Carbs.”