About Dr. Somner
Dr. Somner has been practicing since 1990. She is board certified in Psychiatry, board certified in Metabolic Medicine (formerly A4M), board certified in Medical Acupuncture and Bredesen Protocol Trained.
Metabolic Medicine and Psychiatry
Dr. Somner has an equal facility in treating patients with pharmaceutical medication and natural medicine. What she has found is that for psychiatric disorders, improving the basics of diet, stress management, sleep and exercise will improve the brain’s ability to heal and are the cornerstone of treatment. Follow the basics with targeted treatments for the specific sub-type of dementia the patient has and you have a recipe for success. The targeted treatments include nutraceuticals (supplements) specifically chosen for the sub-type, medications if necessary such as thyroid or hormonal replacements and the removal of toxins such as heavy metals, mold toxins or pesticides.
Medical Acupuncture:
Medical acupuncture is the utilization of acupuncture needles and principles in the service of modern medicine. Dr. Somner’s particular passion is for the management of pain and psychiatric disorders. Acupuncture can also be helpful in the management of cognitive decline, improving some spatial abilities. Acupuncture can be helpful for reducing the symptoms of PTSD and can improve sleep for those who have insomnia.
Osteopathic Manual Medicine:
Osteopathy is America’s best kept medical secret. The manual techniques developed by Dr. Still, the founder of the profession and expounded upon by Dr. Sutherland and Dr. Fulford allow for major changes in the body and its healing. Osteopathic physicians, like Dr. Somner, can specialize in any medical specialty. Dr. Somner specialized in psychiatry.
Bredesen Protocol
Dr. Somner has a passion for the treatment of dementia and cognitive impairment. Dr. Bredesen’s ground breaking work, discovering that there are different sub-types of Alzheimer’s disease and that those sub-types can be treated with individualized programs was right up her alley. She has seen first-hand the benefits of this treatment. She believes that everyone should have the chance to prevent cognitive impairment or reverse it if it has already begun. She is associated with ReCode, Dr. Bredesen’s program for reversing cognitive decline. Joining the ReCode program is strongly encouraged because it allows access to the software Dr. Bredesen developed to determine the sub-type of Alzheimer’s disease. It also allows access to Dr. Bredesen directly for guidance and recommendations.
Dr. Somner has also worked with Dr. Daniel Amen utilizing SPECT scans as a part of the psychiatric evaluation and natural approaches to treatment. Dr. Amen has promoted Dr. Bredesen’s work.